

Friday, September 12, 2014

sound sleep

I had a hard time falling asleep yesterday. It took effort. My mind, racing, was unable to slow down. I was excited, and I wanted to tell the world. Actually, the world already knew.

The day started quite uneventful. Wake up, work out, work. A cycle without end in the near future. I'm oddly at peace with it though for now. Courtney and I had another Skype video call yesterday which lasted damn near all afternoon, but I'm not complaining. Joyful minutes passed. Her friend force-fed us the question "If you were at a bar and someone asked if you had a boyfriend, would you say yes or no?". Hesitation followed. We hadn't had that talk yet. Well, we have, but didn't come to any conclusions.

So we decided we should have the talk, and actually reach the finish line this time.

And now we come to the reason I was having troubles falling asleep. We made it quite clear that we wanted to take this to the next level, despite land and sea for miles separating us for the time being.

Everything feels right.

The cherry on top was forgetting that paychecks were sent out this week. I logged in to see how much I got shafted by taxes, only to see a fairly large number under the column "quarterly bonus". Whoa.

Not a single problem with the day. I rocked out at work and was able to resolve 14 separate sessions, or computers, taking me above the expectations. I started a new chapter in life with someone important. I received a large quarterly bonus. I played video games with friends.

I slept soundly once I was able to fall asleep, though. It was a good sleep, waking up with a giant smile on my face. Two days off in a row. No responsibilities, no appointments, no schedule. The only worry is that she will travel safely to her vacation destination this weekend, and have a great time. But that's all I can do; worry.

A text message was sent to Bobby, checking in to see if he wanted to reconnect over a beer this evening. To my surprise he said yes, so that's on the agenda today. Maybe I was lying; I do have a relaxed schedule for these next two days. However I do plan on visiting with my bundle of love Bowie at my parents house. Teach my father how to use Google Wallet so we can forgo writing checks for the cellphone bill payment.

Touching on the subject I forgot about a few days ago, I'd like to take some time and talk about pixels. They're all that separate us in the world today. Sorry, I'm guilty though. I play video games with friends, but that doesn't involve sitting next to each other with controllers in hand. Instead, it involves communicating over Skype, with the only interaction being vocal, and representing each other through pixels. Want to communicate with a friend? Text message in the form of pixels and bits of data. Hang out with someone? No, just "like" their status on Facebook. Hell, even my job involves absolutely no form of in-person social interaction, instead, we communicate through chat. Pixels.

Is this how life is supposed to be? Has human nature rapidly evolved from in-person social interaction to pixels? Courtney and I were talking yesterday about how technology is inevitable. But it makes me wonder if it's for better or worse.

Tonight, in-person social interaction. I'm going against the norm.

Music: David Bowie - The Stars Are Out Tonight

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